About the Journal

Scope & Focus


The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind (CJAM) is a student-run, multidisciplinary, open-access, research publication dedicated to providing a platform for young academics and researchers from around the world to share their research and ideas. CJAM welcomes original research papers, reviews, and opinion pieces from undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students.


CJAM is dedicated to promoting research conducted within a feminist framework that embraces intersectionality and social justice. The journal believes in justice for everyone, addressing issues related to climate, class, immigration, gender, racial equity, and beyond. Authors are strongly encouraged to adopt perspectives that critically examine power structures, challenge oppressive norms, explore pressing societal issues, and strive for equity and inclusivity across all aspects of our world.


Furthermore, CJAM emphasizes the use of open-access publishing to increase the accessibility of academic material to the public. The journal is committed to providing a platform for young academics and researchers to engage in meaningful discourse, share their knowledge, and contribute to the advancement of academic thought and social justice.


The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is published by York University.



The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals, the Canadian Association of Learned Journals, Crossref, Google Scholar, ROAD: the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, and several University libraries.


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Our multidisciplinary focus spans three major fields and their corresponding subfields:

    1. Public Affairs - Political Science, International Relations, Public Policy, Criminology, Eurasian Studies, Law, Social Justice, Media & Communications, Economics, etc.
    2. Arts & Humanities - Literature, Philosophy, History, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Film, Culture, Religion, Sociology, Indigenous Studies, Geography, Psychology, etc.
    3. Natural & Applied Sciences - Engineering, Biomedicine, Architecture, Biology, Health Sciences, Physics, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Chemistry, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, etc.


Mission Statement

To foster intellectual conversations and to create a community for the open exchange of knowledge, insights, and ideas.


Vision Statement

To become a leading academic journal recognized for the quality of its publications, its contribution to the advancement of knowledge, and its commitment to fostering collaboration and innovation in academic research.



Expanding Knowledge

Shaping Perspectives

Connecting Minds