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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I have read the entirety of the Submissions page.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format (.DOCX).
  • The manuscript adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition.
  • The manuscript is double spaced and uses 12pt Times New Roman font.
  • Any references are included in endnotes.
  • The manuscript may use footnotes sparingly for additional information.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it currently being considered by another journal. CJAM only accepts unpublished work. If you are a student, your manuscript is permitted to have been submitted to an instructor/professor for course completion and grades.
  • The manuscript has been anonymized and no identifying information of the author is visible on the manuscript. To do this, please remove your name and affiliation from the title page and/or from any headers. If your manuscript is accepted, the name that you provide during submission will be used.
  • The manuscript uses inclusive language, which “acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities”. The manuscript uses the following inclusive research guidelines, taken from the Linguistic Society of America: a. The manuscript relies on found facts, rather than generics and stereotypes, even if seen as positive (e.g., “Asians tend to score well on standardized tests”). b. The manuscript uses person-first language (e.g., “disabled” vs. “person with a disability”). c. The manuscript uses anti-colonial and anti-racist language and grammar (e.g., “The Ukraine” vs. “Ukraine”; “blacks” vs. “Black people”; “Kiev”, vs “Kyiv”). d. The manuscript does not use unnecessary gendered generalization (e.g., “Congressman” vs. “Member of Congress”; the use of “man” as a gender-neutral term; the use of gender where not needed such as “male nurse”; and the use of “he/she” rather than “they”).
  • The manuscript does not exceed 7,000 words (approx. 28-30 pages) and does not fall short of 1,500 words (approx. 4-6 pages). Please provide an explanation in the comments for the editor section if your submission does not meet these requirements.
  • The manuscript's reference links are all up to date.
  • The manuscript includes a 150-250 word abstract.
  • The manuscript does not use personal pronouns.

Author Guidelines

Please ensure that you thoroughly read through all of the guidelines, specifically the stylistic requirements (Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, endnotes). Failure to comply will result in a submission being rejected for revisions.


The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is committed to ensuring the utmost respect for authors while also keeping its credibility. We are committed to providing a platform for researchers to share their work with a wider audience. We accept submissions from all disciplines and provide clear instructions for authors about how to submit their work. We also provide an in-depth review process to ensure that all published papers adhere to the highest standards of academic research.



CJAM reserves the right to impose sanctions on authors who violate ethical guidelines or engage in misconduct. Sanctions may include retracting published papers, prohibiting future submissions, and notifying the author's institution or funding agency.



The following guidelines apply to every paper submitted to CJAM.


Ethics Statement

CJAM closely follows the ethical guidelines set out and advocated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We are committed to COPE's Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing. Any ethical comments or concerns should be directed to the Editorial Board.


Originality and Plagiarism

CJAM is strongly opposed to plagiarism. Authors must submit original, unpublished work. Students are permitted to submit papers that have also been submitted to educational institutions and instructors for course grades. CJAM reserves the right to use software to detect plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected, CJAM will halt its review process of the paper, and the author may be barred from submitting any further work. Research by other authors that is used in the submitted paper must be properly acknowledged and cited.


Authorship Criteria

All authors listed on a paper must have made substantial contributions to the research and writing of the paper. If an individual did not make significant contributions to the paper, then the author reserves the right to still include them in the acknowledgment section of their work. CJAM reserves the right to request clarification regarding author contributions. Any changes to authorship must be approved by all authors listed on the paper.


Conflict of Interest

Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could be perceived as influencing the research or the paper's conclusions. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include financial relationships, affiliations, and personal relationships.


Research Involving Humans (or Animals)

Authors must ensure that any research involving human subjects complies with relevant ethical standards, including obtaining informed consent and protecting the confidentiality of participants. Any research involving animals must comply with appropriate regulations and ethical guidelines. Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest related to the research, including any financial or personal relationships with participants. Authors must also obtain appropriate approval from relevant ethical boards, such as a university's Research Ethics Committee, and provide this information in the acknowledgments section of their paper. CJAM reserves the right to reject papers that do not comply with ethical standards related to research involving humans or animals. Any concerns or complaints related to research involving humans or animals should be directed to the Editorial Board.


Author Responsibilities

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their research and the contents of their paper. They should ensure that their paper is free of errors and is written in a clear and concise manner. Authors should also respond to any inquiries from the Editorial Board or reviewers in a timely and professional manner.


Appeals and Complaints

Authors who wish to appeal a decision or make a complaint about the review process should contact the Editorial Board with their concerns. CJAM is committed to addressing any concerns or complaints in a fair and timely manner.


Retractions and Corrections

CJAM reserves the right to retract papers that contain errors or are found to be fraudulent. Corrections to published papers may also be published in the journal.


Publication Fees

CJAM does not charge authors any publication fees. However, authors may be required to pay fees for the use of copyrighted material in their research or for the translation of their paper into a different language.


Style Guide

The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind follows the guidelines set out in the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, for the use of grammar; punctuation; spelling, distinctive treatment of words, and compounds; names, terms, and titles of works; numbers; abbreviations, and; quotations and dialogue. Papers must be submitted in 12pt, double spaced (2.0), Times New Roman font.

The Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is committed to transparency and is therefore requiring the disclosure of any and all funds used for article submissions, including, but not limited to, grants, loans, and bursaries. Authors must also disclose where/who the funds are provided by.


Submission Requirements

Submissions should not exceed 7,000 words and should not fall short of 1,500 words. Overrides may be granted by contacting the Editorial Board. Papers should be submitted in a Microsoft Word file (.docx). Please include a title page that includes a paper title, subtitle, and author information. Institutional affiliation is not required (but accepted) unless the author received funding and/or help from said institution. An abstract must also be submitted.

Public Affairs

The Public Affairs section of the Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind seeks to publish research and scholarship that critically examines issues related to politics, governance, and social policy in Canada and beyond. We welcome submissions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including political science, sociology, law, public health, and economics, among others. We are particularly interested in work that challenges conventional wisdom, advances innovative approaches, and offers constructive solutions to pressing public problems. We encourage authors to engage with debates and controversies, to ground their work in rigorous empirical analysis and theory, and to write in a clear, accessible style that will appeal to a broad audience of academic and non-academic readers alike.

Arts & Humanities

The Arts & Humanities section of the Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is dedicated to publishing cutting-edge research and scholarship in fields such as literature, history, philosophy, cultural studies, and the arts. We welcome submissions that showcase original research, theoretical innovation, and critical insights into the human experience. We are particularly interested in work that pushes the boundaries of traditional disciplinary boundaries, that engages with diverse perspectives and voices, and that interrogates the social, political, and cultural dimensions of the human experience. We encourage authors to write in a clear, engaging style that will resonate with a broad range of readers, including academics, students, and members of the general public.

Natural & Applied Sciences

The Natural & Applied Sciences section of the Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind is committed to publishing high-quality research in fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. We welcome submissions that showcase original research, methodological innovation, and theoretical rigor, and that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in these fields. We are particularly interested in work that has real-world applications and implications, that addresses pressing environmental, health, and technological challenges, and that is accessible to a broad audience of scientists, policymakers, and lay readers. We encourage authors to present their work in a clear, concise, and jargon-free manner, and to engage with broader debates and discussions in their respective fields.

Privacy Statement

At CJAM, we take the privacy and confidentiality of our authors, reviewers, and readers very seriously. We understand that the protection of personal information is important, and we strive to maintain the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For authors, we collect personal information such as name, email address, and affiliation for the purpose of manuscript submission and publication. This information is stored securely and only accessible by authorized personnel. We do not share this information with third parties without the explicit consent of the author, except as required by law or for the purposes of peer review.

For reviewers, we collect personal information such as name, email address, and affiliation for the purpose of peer review. This information is also stored securely and only accessible by authorized personnel. We do not disclose the identity of reviewers to authors or to third parties, except with the explicit consent of the reviewer or as required by law.

For readers, we collect non-personally identifiable information such as IP addresses and cookies for the purpose of website analytics and improving the user experience. We do not collect any personally identifiable information from readers unless they voluntarily provide it, such as when subscribing to our newsletter or contacting us for support. We never use personal information for any matter except for email notification. We do not share and/or sell this information to any third parties.