Volume 2, Issue 1 of CJAM Now Available!

Dear reader,

We are pleased to announce that Volume 2, Issue 1 of the Canadian Journal for the Academic Mind has been released. Our goal going into our second volume was to improve the journal, our editorial process, and ultimately share even more inspiring pieces by both undergraduate and graduate students.

The CJAM team worked hard to get this amazing volume off the ground. A huge thank you to our dedicated editorial board members, faculty advisors, and peer reviewers for their tireless efforts in bringing this issue to life. Their expertise and passion are invaluable to CJAM's success. We'd also like to express our gratitude to all the students who submitted their work – the quality and diversity of the submissions were truly impressive. 

You can find CJAM’s Volume 2, Issue 1 here: https://cjam.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/issue/view/2 

Stay tuned for upcoming information regarding submissions opening for our next issue!